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Top-5 Things to know about negativity and how it's blocking you.

Updated: Jan 8, 2024

Spiritually there is a reason for everything. The mystery of this hidden world and how it effects us can be accessed and used to make your life easier. Arming yourself with knowledge of how you could be influenced by negativity can make all the difference in the health of your spirit. Find out if you are subjected to any of these negative influences.

There is a negative force in this world just like there is a positive force and it affects all of us in some way. You may think of negativity as something of criminal activity, but what we are discussing is far more inconspicuous. We battle negativity every day within our own lives, in our own bodies. You could be introducing negativity in things you never thought would affect you. Some things could be the food you are eating or the life choices you are making.

Blonde girl sitting in front of a window with tropical trees outside
Arming yourself with knowledge of how you could be influenced by negativity can make all the difference in the health of your spirit.

You have control to stop being influenced by this negativity and by doing so, grow in your consciousness.

The life force in your spirit is being pulled in different directions mostly because it is hard to determine what allows in this negativity. At The Body Speaks we have digital treatments to balance your body's energy flow and stop negativity. Also find remedies to ailments using a holistic treatment along with the right supplements. Making the correct choices in the things you do and how you live your life can effect this balance in your spirit. With the right choices, you can acquire balance, happiness and success.

Negativity comes in many forms such as phobias, depression, fears, abuse, anger, addiction, not feeling value, not being able to make money, consistently being drawn to or repelled from certain relationships and numerous issues that plague our lives. Your body reacts to each negativity in different ways.

Your spirit will try to adjust to survive but in doing so it could create blocks for your goals in order to maintain a comfort zone instead of facing that negativity.

Reading the clues of your body is the key to understanding your physical state and every life situation you have chosen for yourself.

We prove, from a doctor’s perspective how the negativity or “weakness” is present and how these destructive weaknesses or mental states can cause poor physical health or even disease. This type of treatment is the way of the future and it includes all aspects of a person’s health; physical, emotional & spiritual.

1. Everyone has openings to negativity.

Openings can be caused by things as simple as putting a harmful food or substance in your body or as complex as a traumatic situation that formed fears and phobias. The openings cause a negativity or a “weak-link” in your physical body. Your body is a sensitive being and your spirit-self is equally as important to balance as your physical and emotional self.

We can carry negativity through openings from the choices we make but it is entirely possible to have these vulnerabilities carried over from our family line which was not our fault at all. For example, a woman is the first to own her own business in the family line but because of the dynamics of what the family was previously capable of, she experiences certain business situations harder to overcome than others. This family did not have a business expectation already programmed in the soul-self and therefore could have created negative blocks that need clearing to move ahead.

The Body Speaks has digital holistic remedies and treatments you can perform on yourself. Just download these treatments.

It is difficult to determine on your own which choices can create a negative block and in these situations, you can benefit from the expertise of someone such as Dr. Edward Wagner DC, or a doctor that has

been trained by him. To help you in your quest for clearing your soul-self we have gathered our real-life healing experiences so you can apply them to your situation in order to clear your openings.

2. If a negativity is not cleared from the body, it could lead to disease.

Your body is always trying to communicate with you. When it is unhappy or unsure with how you have been making decisions for it, it will act out to get your attention. You may have pain or discomfort, experience excessive emotions, or attract certain situations to yourself until the matter is resolved.

For example, during the time you feel extreme anger in your life, you end up hurting yourself and stub your large toe. That toe, like each part of your body has a meaning and is trying to send you a message. Your toe represents an anger point in the body.

Foods for example can seem unthreatening if you’re only thinking of what has been said in the nutrition world but the opposite could be true. For example, certain proteins such as pork test harmful to patients 100% of the time. It is a known fact that bacon is not healthy for you and even the medical doctors would agree but what they can’t tell you is how it is affecting your soul-self. Not only does it create weakness throughout the body that can become disease but it also can create a negative opening against the very goals you are trying to create in your life. Pork directly works against your spirit.

All of these opportunities for poor choices in your life can compile with age and minimize your potential in every aspect of your life. This however can be reversed and you can heal these openings.

The Body Speaks has an affiliate site through Young Living offering Essential Oils at wholesale

3. Other people's negativity can affect you.

There are a number of reasons why someone’s negativity can affect you. Usually this is on an unconscious level but a person’s negative intent could prevent you from such opportunities as getting a job, creating physical pain, illness, bringing on emotional distress, "cursing” you to not be able to move ahead in your life and more.

The “fiery darts of Evil” is a well-known reference to this projection from another’s third eye called, The Evil Eye.

You will not have any defense against this singular source unless you understand the extensive capability this evil can have against you.

It comes from people in your life that harbor resentment, jealousy and envy. These negative emotions have such strength that they are able to target others around them without necessarily being aware that they are doing it. This could be a relative, sister brother or even a close friend. This single source alone can undermine your life.

4. Your own body's negativity can sabotage you from the things you want.

Each of us can recall a difficult situation from our past. These experiences create a fear in our body and can prevent us from overcoming that issue or one that is combined with it.

A person can be emotionally triggered very easily where another person will not have any issues surrounding it. These are what makes us all unique and this is why each of us have very different needs when it comes to clearing a various combination of problems.

Some of these personal sabotages can be:

Increasing your income, attracting a relationship, obtaining confidence, speaking with authority, anger, making friends, being an effective parent, connection in your marriage, dealing with divorce, having patience, sleep apnea, allergies, panic attacks

And the list goes on…

5. Negativity can be cleared from the body.

Clearing your body’s negativity is the process of healing. As we get older our past experiences pile up to create a more complex combination of issues to resolve but it is entirely possible that you can clear your spirit.

Some issues require several treatments on the topic if the issue has created negativity in different facets of your being. However, clearing these issues can give a sense of clarity and lightness that can never be achieved by just taking medication to heal your symptoms. Don’t you think it’s time to move ahead from your issues and live a life with a greater sense of enthusiasm and contentment?

As you have a greater understanding of how the body, mind and spirit work together you will grow a greater sense of consciousness, which is one of the most important attributes of a human being. We hope we can shed some light on an array of subjects that include a healing for you personally.

Spiritually fighting for you,



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Did you know...?

Did you know that your body can hold onto emotions down to its cells?

This can be harmful if your body prevents you from reaching your goals, in order to "stay safe".

Releasing these negativities is worth the effort and time. You only need to reach your internal systems correctly.


The Body Speaks creates digital download treatments doing just that and for multiple issues. 

In every treatment you download, you will use ETF (tapping), essential oils, and writing to program your consciousness to clear these issues.

Download a digital holistic treatment and get started healing your spirit!

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