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The Single Most Harmful Food To Avoid For Your Spirit And The Top-3 Reasons Why It Matters

Updated: Oct 17, 2024

Your body is a spiritual structure that holds your life energy. This energy needs to be kept in good health to keep it strong and vibrant. The stronger your spiritual, energetic body is, the easier it is for you to connect with spiritual messages, grow your consciousness and keep your body physically healthy.

papaya fruit cut in half with seeds showing
A GOOD FOOD... Papaya is an extremely healthy food. It is a healing fruit for your physical body and nourishes your spirit as well. Supplements that are derived from papaya provide a great source of nutrients.

Your spiritual self can hold emotions that affect your physical mind and body. Therefore you must also work at keeping your spirit healthy and in top shape. One way to do this is to become aware of what foods to avoid so you don't let in any obstructive forces.

Besides eating correctly, you should also clear negative emotions to help you stay on the path of achieving your goals. Emotions play a huge part in becoming spiritually healthy. You can do your own treatment for some of these issues by performing them on yourself right now with just one click. We offer digital treatments, planners and spiritual worksheets. To find out more about what treatments you can perform for your spirit, see our shop.

In this article we are going to touch on the spiritual benefits of eating for your health and reveal the single worst food that you can consume for your spirit. So let's dig in. Why is it that you should eat for your spiritual health and what are the top-3 reasons why it matters? Glad you asked...

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Reason#1 - Keeping your body clear of negative foods allows you to grow in spiritual awareness.

Eating for spiritual growth is a process of eating foods that don't obstruct your communication to truth as well as detoxing harmful foods that have blocked you from connecting to your true self.

When spiritually harmful foods are consumed, it blocks you from expanding your spiritual awareness. It can keep you from getting those clear, confident messages such as, knowing what direction in life you need to go.

raw milk being poured into a mason jar
A GOOD FOOD... Raw milk is a profoundly nutritious and healing drink vs pasteurized milk. To improve your heath you might want to consider raw milk. People with allergies have seen considerable improvements from drinking raw milk.

To know the direction that was intended for you, and to seek the truth in all aspects of life, you must have a strong sense of connection to your spirit. If not you can act on the wrong opportunities, trust the wrong people and lead unhealthy lives. We are all where we are today because of how we reacted to situations and the choices we made to get there.

You have the power to live with great spiritual strength. You just need to know what is inhibiting your spirit, and what it needs to grow. There are many factors besides what you are eating. Read more about them on our website and see for yourself.

Reason#2 - Perfect spiritual health means your physical body has a much better chance of being disease free.

If you have a strong emotion that you are keeping inside, it can manifest into a physical ailment. I think this is more common than we realize. Most people would agree that prolonged stress, deep anger, guilt or any strong emotion can literally break down your physical and mental body. It can create a disease or it can show up in various ways as constant pain.

Take a treatment that I had at Wagner Holistic Center for instance. Dr. Wagner DC tests the body for physical, mental and spiritual weaknesses to find the cause of the condition. I had a low back pain that was not related to any physical injury. He tested that I had stored pork in my body that was causing a weakness in my structure that originated from pork. Once this was cleared my back improved and the pain dissipated.

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By eliminating harmful foods from your diet you can avoid such physical burdens. Another interesting fact is that a person's body may not break down right away but at some point will reach a level of intolerance and then not be able to consume that harmful food at all without feeling pain.

Some foods that are harmful for your spirit are: garlic, onions (all kinds incl. scallions, shallots and leeks), too much chicken, and fermented alcohols to name a few.

See our blog for more information about harmful foods for your spirit.

Most people would agree that prolonged stress, deep anger, guilt or any strong emotion can literally break down your physical and mental body.

Filet mignon beef steaks
A GOOD FOOD... Beef is a powerful and nutritious food for your body, spirit and soul. It's concentration of protein along with its unique iron, minerals and vitamins, is one of the single foods with the greatest amount of benefits.

Reason#3 - Eating spiritually clean, allows God to be close to you.

To keep your spiritual channels open and keep your body clear of anything inhibiting God's presence, you have to eliminate foods with negative energy.

There are certain foods that increase your consciousness and others that bring it down to where you not only have low conscious energy, but a weak frequency that will prevent God's presents from entering your spiritual awareness.

Sometimes terrible things happen in life. Do you think God intended those things to happen? I find that hard to believe. But why did they happen? I truly think there is evil involved and if we become more spiritually strong, we can create an existence of only truth and connection, which will in turn lead us to the right path. For this reason we need to become more aware of improving our spiritual health through the food we put in our bodies. By not becoming spiritually aware, we are letting these evil influences take away the righteous path that was intended for us.

Eating pork creates a frequency in your spirit that inhibits God's presence. I know it sounds bizarre but it's true. If you want to connect with your consciousness and deepen your connection to the divine knowledge of your soul, stop eating pork.

We cannot feel Divine presence in our spirit if we disregard the important task of choosing the correct foods to eat.

cooked bacon slices
Pork is the single most destructive food you can eat.

The single most harmful food to eat is bacon or any kind of pork.

Bacon, ham and sausage are all pork cured meats. This food has been consumed for centuries and is even mentioned in the Bible as forbidden to eat. Why would you think we shouldn't eat it? Why would the bible even mention food unless it was important and why would that matter to God? This particular food has a negative effect on the body and I do believe that it has an evil origin.

I have learned from Wagner Holistic Center that during Dr. Wagner's 50 plus years of treating patients, 100% of their physical bodies tested out as being intolerable toward eating pork. This means there has not been one person that does well from eating pork. Their bodies develop a weakness when eating it. Pork is the #1 cause of disease because it creates weaknesses throughout the body which makes it susceptible to break down. Most weaknesses in the physical body can be traced to eating pork.

Besides pork being horrible for your physical body, it is the worst food you can eat for your spirit. It inhibits your spiritual ability and you cannot connect with your true self.

To begin the journey of consciousness takes dedication but changing how you eat is a wonderful way to start. I think anyone can focus on reaching the highest spiritual health. It just takes time to get to know the keys to clearing the body.

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Did you know...?

Did you know that your body can hold onto emotions down to its cells?

This can be harmful if your body prevents you from reaching your goals, in order to "stay safe".

Releasing these negativities is worth the effort and time. You only need to reach your internal systems correctly.


The Body Speaks creates digital download treatments doing just that and for multiple issues. 

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