A Negative Spirit Can Cause Illness
Updated: Nov 7, 2023
If there is something inside you that creates depression, anxiety or any negative feeling, that can keep you from overall happiness unless you can find the source and release it. The negativity usually creates a lack of energy in a part of the body and that absence creates an opening to illnesses.
Negativity can be dangerous to our spirit. If it is not released it can create serious illness and disease.
A negative spirit can cause illness
Negativity can be dangerous to our spirit. If it is not released it can create serious illness and disease. It is easy to determine situations outside of us that can be negative or positive. It is harder to understand how negativity can be present in our spirit and how it affects us. Our life force is being pulled in several different directions and without balance our bodies can create various illness, disease and chronic pain. We create these openings with every choice we make such as situational stresses and foods that enter the body.
Negativity comes from the root of our emotions
Negativity comes from the root of our emotions. Insecurity, fear, loneliness, doubt, anger and many more, originate from a past situation or upbringing that we still have issues about. These openings were experienced and then learned, therefore this type of negative pain needs to be cleared from the spirit . Past experiences can cause self sabotage from common situations. For example being insecure in a relationship might show itself by consistently not being able to successfully create a long term relationship. We also can create negativity from the foods we eat and what we expose our bodies to. Find more information about these from our blog.
Negativity can bring on disease.
At times our emotions run so deep and can be so hurtful that this negativity can create a low energy spot in our bodies and create disease. Areas that test with low energy are the beginning signs of the body not functioning in that area. Wagner Holistic Center can test the functions of the entire body to keep all of your systems functioning before disease can occur. This is why it is so important to eat right, exercise and be holistically scanned on a regular basis before any pain begins. A long time knee pain or bump on the head can create multiple problems if not cleared from the body in time.
Find clues from your body to begin healing.
Pain is an obvious clue but there are some less obvious ones that you should pay attention to. Do you consistently feel negativity from a certain experience? Do you feel like you try so hard at something but the goal never formulates? What about that family member that you don't get along with but you just can't figure out why? These are all negativities that you could be effecting you. Your spirit is a very sensitive being and just like you take care of your physical body with exercise, and your mental state with a vacation, you must also include the third and hidden important part of you, your spirit.
How do you clear negativity?
This can be a little more complex. If you don't have someone to help you like our doctor at Wagner Holistic Center then first follow our articles to help you clear specific negativities. Be sure that you are eating foods that work well with your spirit. Don't use toxic household chemicals and cleaners that will inhibit your body. Many different things around you can create negativity in your spirit and cause illness. Sign up for our newsletter to get new clearings emailed to you as well as what things to avoid.
Wagner Holistic Center is also a place you can call and get advice from our head Doctor, Dr. Edward Wagner DC.
By clearing negativity you will not only keep your body healthy but you will also increase your consciousness by connecting with a very important part of you.
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17383 W. Sunset Blvd #A230,
Pacific Palisades, CA, 90272
310) 230-2145