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The Treatments

Heal your spirit of negative issues to improve your physical health, emotional mind and spiritual awareness.


These treatments are based off of effective holistic healing methods and combined together in easy to use, formulated steps. 


You can get the benefits of knowing which essential oil is best for that particular treatment,  what emotion corresponds to a particular organ and what to do in order to reset your energy flow.


These treatments effectively target emotions that can only be accessed in the Amygdala Gland which is part of the Limbic system of the brain. This small almond shaped gland holds onto emotions such as fear, anxiety and more. 


When a treatment is performed with essential oils, this gland is re-set along with tapping the corresponding organ that is effected by that emotion and the negative effects can be lifted off of a person's spirit.


A treatment can bring a new sense of positivity and your spirit can more easily attract the goals you have been striving for. 


Discover the benefits of an easy, at-home holistic treatment to clear the way for a more positive outlook and an energetic spiritual clearing toward your life's goals.

Clear your spirit and and begin the healing.

The Body Speaks Digital Holistic Treatments on paper

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© 2025 by Christina | The Body Speaks

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